Save the Zen Trail
Why the Greater Moe's Valley Area Matters:
Outdoor Recreation: The Greater Moe’s Valley Area contains miles of hiking, mountain biking, and equestrian trails enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. Iconic rock-climbing sites like Moe's Valley and Green Valley Gap, as well as popular trails like the Bearclaw Poppy Trail, Zen Trail, and Stucki Springs, are essential to the outdoor lifestyle and economy of Washington County.
Biological Resources: The Greater Moe’s Valley Area is a critical habitat for the Mojave Desert tortoise, a threatened species, and several rare and endangered plant species, including the iconic dwarf bear poppy. The development of this land would lead to a permanent loss of habitat and would result in the removal of hundreds of tortoises from this crucial area.
Cultural and Historic Value: The Greater Moe’s Valley Area contains significant cultural and historic sites, including petroglyphs and other artifacts that have yet to be fully surveyed or studied. The destruction of these irreplaceable resources would be a permanent loss to future generations.
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